Antoine Saint-Exupéry Citation

by Roland Adoko

Books & Reference

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All Quotes, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry; born June 29, 1900 in Lyon and disappeared in flight on July 31, 1944 off the coast of Marseille, is a French writer, poet, aviator and reporter.Author of the famous fable The Little Prince, the most read childrens novel in the world, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is as much known for his talent as a writer as for his tragic destiny as an aviator.Literature and adventures are the two driving forces of his existence.Pilot for Aéropostale then for Air France, the author draws from this experience the subject of his novels, including Courrier Sud and Vol de nuit, which are very successful.Humanist, idealist, Saint-Exupérys work is an invitation to surpass oneself, a requirement that he puts into practice in his own life. (Audio book)